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Finland Information

About Finland

Finland is part of the continent of Europe. The Capital of Finland is: Helsinki. Capital timezone is: Europe/Helsinki. Currency is: Euro.
Language Codes of Finland : fi-FI,sv-FI,smn
Languages speak in Finland : Finnish (official) 94.2%, Swedish (official) 5.5%, other (small Sami- and Russian-speaking minorities) 0.2% (2012 est.)
ISO Alpha-2 Code of Finland is : FI
ISO Alpha-3 Code of Finland is : FIN
ISO 3166-1 numeric (or numeric-3) Code of Finland is : 246
ISD Code of Finland is : +358
FIPS (Federal Information Processing System) Code is : FI
E.164 (The international telephone numbering plan) : 358
The top label domain of the Finland is : .fi
Internet host in Finland is : 4763000
Internet users in Finland is : 4393000
Mobile phones in Finland is : 9320000
Landline phone in Finland is : 890000
Area of Finland is : 337030 KM2
GEO Name ID Finland is : 660013
GDP of Finland is : $259600000000

Currency Converter

Rate Date : 08/09/24

World Postal Code

What is a Postal Code?

A postal code is a series of letters, digits, or both that are included in a postal address for the purpose of sorting mail. Sometimes a postal code will include spaces or punctuation as well. This one-of-a-kind code assists postal services in determining the location to which mail is being delivered.

The majority of the countries in the world use postal codes in order to organize their mail. Despite the fact that the systems and formats used for postal codes can vary from country to country, their primary function is to identify the recipient's specific address. Additionally, the presence of this specific code makes the job of the postman somewhat less difficult.

What are the key distinctions between a postcode, a zip code, a pin code, and a postal Code?

The purpose of each of these codes is essentially the same as the other ones. The difference is that the locals refer to the postal code by a variety of names. For example, the United States is the primary user of zip codes, while India is the primary user of pin codes, the United Kingdom is the primary user of postcodes, and postal codes are commonly used in other countries.

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