What is Philippines BRSTN Code?

BRSTN stands for Bank Routing Symbol Transit Numbers. Philippines BRSTN code or also known as PayPal bank code is a nine digits numeric code which helps to identify the name, city and country of a bank.

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Philippines BRSTN Code

What is Philippines BRSTN Code?

The Bank Routing Symbol Transit Number (BRSTN) is a popular moniker for a Bank Identifier Code (BIC) used to transfer funds between banks in the Philippines. It's a nine-digit code that identifies the country, city, and financial institution.

How to find your BRSTN Code?

Contact your bank and request the BRSTN code of their main office or parent bank to find your BRSTN code.

Usage of Philippines BRSTN Code:

The usages of philippines BRSTN Codes are as follows:

  • It's used in the Philippines to move money between different bank accounts for domestic purposes.
  • This code is also used to conduct withdrawals and funds transfers from Paypal, Upwork, and other payment systems to Philippine banks.

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