What is Russia BIC Code?

Russia BIK Number or BIC Code stand for Bank Identification Code. This is a unique 9 digits numeric code which helps to identify a particular bank branch in Russia.

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Russia BIC Code or BIK Number

What is the BIC code or BIK number for Russia?

A Russian bank BIK Number or BIC Code is a unique 9-digit numeric code that aids in the identification of a specific bank branch in Russia.

Application of the Russia BIC Code or BIK Number

This code is used to send and receive funds between accounts in Russia for domestic fund transfers.

Formation of the Russia BIC Code or BIK Number

  • A BIC that begins with the digits "04", the first two digits are the Russian Federation's code.
  • The next two digits indicate the Russian Federation's territory according to OKATO (All-Russian Classifier of Objects of Administrative Territorial Division), and
  • The last three digits of the BIK number must match the last three digits of the correspondent account.

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