What is South Africa Bank Branch Code?

A South Africa Bank Branch Code is a six digits unique code that represents a specific bank individual branch in South Africa. This code is needed when sending or receiving domestic payments.

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Branch Code Details of ABSA , BUSINESS CELL EXTRA 1 Branch
Bank Name ABSA
Branch Code 636056

(Used for domestic fund transfers across South Africa via electronic means such as online banking and ZAPS.)

Bank Code 636

(The first three digits of the branch code is bank code.)

BIC / SWIFT CodeN/A (Updated Soon)
City N/A (Updated Soon)
Telephone (011), 792-7505
Fax (011), 792-7531
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About Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 Branch

General Information :

The Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 Branch is Located in Cnr Langwa St & Hammer Avenue , Randburg, , , South Africa.
The Bank Branch Code of Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 Branch is : 636056
The SWIFT/BIC Code of Absazajj , Business Cell Extra 1 Branch is : ABSAZAJJ

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Breakdown of Absa, Business Cell Extra 1 Branch Code







Bank Code

Branch Code

The first three digits (636) is bank code & representing the Absa.

Last three digits is (056) - It's an unique identifier no for the particular bank branch & here it's representing Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 Branch.


The Bank Code of Absa is : 636

The Branch Code of Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 Branch is : 636056

The BIC / SWIFT Code of Business Cell Extra 1 Branch of Absa is : ABSAZAJJ

The Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 branch is located in Cnr Langwa St & Hammer Avenue , Randburg, , , Unknown, South Africa.

The Contact Number of Absa , Business Cell Extra 1 branch is: (011), 792-7505
Fax: (011), 792-7531.

South Africa Bank Branch Code

What is the South African Bank Branch Code?

Branch Code is a one-of-a-kind identification code that aids in the identification of each individual bank branch in South Africa. This one-of-a-kind code is used to send and receive domestic payments throughout South Africa.

Branch Code Types

There are two types of bank codes, which are as follows:

  • A universal or generic bank branch code; and
  • A unique bank branch code.

Applications of Bank Branch Code in South Africa

The following are the applications of bank branch codes in South Africa:

  • Branch Codes are used in South Africa when processing bank account payments.
  • It is used to identify the particular bank branch in South Africa.
  • It make online financial fund transfer easier.

