What is Mexico CLABE Code?

A CLABE Number (Clave Bancaria Estandarizada) is a standard bank account number in Mexico. Every Mexican bank account has a unique CLABE Number. This code is used to sending and receiving money between accounts for domastic payment purposes.

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ABM Code / Bank Code Details of HSBC MEXICO, SA , GENERAL ESCOBEDO Branch
ABM Bank Code 021

(Use for Electronic Fund Transfer Accross the Country.)

Abbreviated Name HSBC
Branch Code 580

(Use for Electronic Fund Transfers Across the Country.)

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About Hsbc Mexico, Sa , General Escobedo Branch

General Information :

The ABM Code or Bank Code of Hsbc Mexico, Sa , General Escobedo Branch is : 021
The Branch Code of Hsbc Mexico, Sa , General Escobedo Branch is : 580

Bank Operational Time :


The Branch Code of Hsbc Mexico, Sa , General Escobedo Branch is : 580

The ABM Bank Code of General Escobedo Branch of Hsbc Mexico, Sa is : 021

Mexico Clabe Code

What is CLABE Code?

Clave Bancaria Estandarizada (CLABE) is Mexico's standardized banking code. A CLABE number is an 18-digit identifier that includes information about the bank's brand and location, as well as the account number.

Formation of CLABE Code

The formation of CLABE Code is as follows:

  • The first three digits identify the bank that holds the account.
  • The following three digits identify the location of the exact branch where the account was opened.
  • The following 11 numbers identify the account's unique 11-digit account number within that bank, and
  • The last digit is a check or validation digit, which ensures that the CLABE number format is proper.

Application of CLABE Code

When making payments within Mexico or transferring international wires to Mexican accounts, a CLABE number is required.

How to Find Your CLABE Number?

Your CLABE number will appear on all bank correspondence, including statements and letters. You can also find your CLABE number by going to your local bank branch or logging into online banking.

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