What is Indonesia Bank Branch Code?

Indonesia Bank Branch code is a seven digits unique code assigned to every individual bank branch in Indonesia. This code helps to route payment in correct bank account & used for local domestic fund transfer purposes.

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Bank & Branch Code Details of CITIBANK NA , KCP LANDMARK Branch
Branch Code 0310306

(Used for electronic fund transfers such as online banking, PayPal, and mobile payments throughout Indonesia for domestic fund transfers.)

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About Citibank Na , Kcp Landmark Branch

General Information:

The Citibank Na , Kcp Landmark Branch is Located in Indonesia.
The Bank Branch Code of Citibank Na , Kcp Landmark Branch is : 0310306
Bank Code is: CITIIDJX

Bank Operational Hours :


The Bank Branch Code of Citibank Na , Kcp Landmark Branch is : 0310306

The Bank Code of Citibank Na, Kcp Landmark Branch is : CITIIDJX

The Citibank Na , Kcp Landmark branch is located in Indonesia.

Indonesia Bank Branch Code

What exactly is the Indonesia Bank Branch Code?

An Indonesia Bank Branch code is a seven-digit numerical code that is assigned to each individual bank branch in Indonesia. This code is used to identify a specific branch of a bank.

Application of the Indonesia Bank Branch Code

This code is used to send and receive payments between different bank accounts in Indonesia for domestic fund transfers.

How to Find an Indonesia Bank Branch Code?

There are several methods for locating the Branch Code. To find your specific Bank Branch Code, log in to your online banking portal, visit your bank's official website, or consult your bank documents such as your passbook, cheque book, and so on.

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