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Routing Number / BEFTN Code Details of DUTCH-BANGLA BANK LTD , ELENGA Branch
Routing Number 090930827

(Used for domestic fund transfers across Bangladesh using electronic fund transfers such as BEFTN, BD-RTGS, and so on.)

Bank Code 90

(The bank code is the first three digits of the routing number.)

Branch Name ELENGA
Branch Code 82

(Following the first five digits of the routing number, the next three digits are the branch code.)

District Name TANGAIL
District Code 193

(Following the first three digits of the routing number, the next two digits are the district code.)

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Rate Date : 22/12/24

About Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga Branch

General Information :

The Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga Branch is Located in Tangail District in Bangladesh.
The Bank Code is 90 , District Code is 193 & Branch code is 82.
Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga Branch Routing Number is : 090930827

Bank Operating Hours :

Timing of Transaction:

Breakdown of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga Branch Routing Number










Bank Code

District Code

Branch Code

Cheque Digit

The first three digits is (090) representing the bank code of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd .

Next two digits is (93) representing the district code of the Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd & this code indicates Tangail District.

Next three digits is (082) - It's represent or used to identify the specific individual bank's branch & here it's identifying Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga branch.

Last one digit is (7) - It's cheque digit & this number is also printed on the bottom-left of your bank cheque leafs.


The Routing number of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga Branch is: 090930827 

The Elenga Branch of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd Located in Tangail District, in Bangladesh.

The Bank Code of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd , Elenga Branch is 90

The District Code of Elenga Branch of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd is 193

The Branch Code of Elenga Branch of Dutch-bangla Bank Ltd is 82

Bank Routing Number in Bangladesh (BEFTN or NPSB Code)

What is Bank Routing Number in Bangladesh?

The bank routing number in bangladesh is a nine-digit identification number assigned to financial institutions that identifies the financial institution from which a payment is drawn.

How Does the BEFTN or NPSB Code or Bangladesh Bank Routing Number Work?

In order to facilitate real-time batch processing of electronic credit and debit instruments among all of the participating banks, the BEFTN Hub will operate in a real-time mode. Each of the financial institutions that are part of this network is given a distinct routing code. It is possible to make payments to either individuals or institutions. When making payments, it is essential to include the routing code that corresponds to the beneficiary branch.

Formation of Bank Routing Number or BEFTN or NPSB Code

In Bangladesh, a bank routing number is a special unique code or identifier that is generated by combining:

  • The first three digits of the bank code.
  • The next two digits of the fourth and fifth digits of the district code.
  • The next three digits of the sixth, seventh, and eighth digits of the branch code, and
  • The last one digit of the cheque digit.

This special, one-of-a-kind bank routing number is also printed on the bottom-left corner of bank cheques.

For Example, if the Routing number is 123456789, the structure will look like this:

Example : Breakdown of Bangladesh Bank Routing Number (BEFTN or NPSB Code)










Bank Code

District Code

Branch Code

Cheque Digit

Applications of a Bank Routing Number in Bangladesh

The following are some applications of a bank routing number in Bangladesh:

  • Online Fund Transfer through BEFTN and NPSB.
  • Transferring funds from one bank account to another.
  • Identifying the financial institution from which a payment is drawn.

Advantages of Bangladesh Bank Routing Number or BEFTN or NPSB Code

The following are the main advantages of using a bank routing number:

  • Provide a highly secure payment service.
  • Establish a smooth payment system
  • Ensure a paperless and automated payment system.
  • Save time and increase efficiency.

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