What is Switzerland BC Nummer or Bank Clearing Number?

BC-Nummer is a five digit long numarical code which helps to identify a particular bank or financial institution specific branch in Switzerland. This code used for domastic fund transfer purposes & also it's intregrated into IBAN account number.

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Bank Clearing Number Details of CREDIT SUISSE (SCHWEIZ) AG, Valais, Vs, MARTIGNY 1 , AVENUE DE LA GARE 21
SHORT Name Of The Bank CS (Schweiz) AG
Banking Group 04 - Belongs to Credit Suisse Group.
Branch Id 0000
BC Number / Clearing Code 04480

(Each bank/financial institution is identified by an IID (institution identification) / BC Number, which is used for electronic fund transfer across Switzerland for domestic fund transfer purposes.)

New BC Number / Clearing Code 4835

(Each bank/financial institution is assigned an IID (institution identification)))

Bank & Branch Conclusive Key 04480 - 0000

(The combination of the BC Number and the branch ID provides a conclusive key for each entry. Each IID has a main branch with the branch ID "0000"; branch IDs beginning with "0001" are assigned to this IID.)

SIC Number 044802

(This code used only by SIC and euroSIC participants.)


(Used for international money transfers.)

Head Office IID / BC Number 4835

(IID / BC Number of the head office (headquarters).)

IID / BC Number Type 1 - Head Office (Headquarters).
Valid Since
2006 - 10 - 20

(Date from which the information in a record is valid.)

SIC 1 = participation in SIC and in LSV+/BDD as DEB-FI1

(This code contains information about participation in the SIC and LSV+/BDD services in CHF.)

Euro SIC 1 = participation in euroSIC and in LSV+/BDD as DEB-FI1

(This code contains information about participation in euroSIC and LSV+/BDD services in EUR.)

Language French

( Data supplied in the respective language.)

Street Address AVENUE DE LA GARE 21
Postal Address CASE POSTALE 192 , ZIP Code : 1920
City / Place Name MARTIGNY 1
Canton Name VALAIS, VS
Country Code N/A (Updated Soon)
Phone Number 027 721 11 11
Fax 027 721 12 11
Postal Account Number *12-35-2

An "*" in the first position points out that the listed postal account number is part of a higher-level IID (e.g. main branch).

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About BC Number - 04480 : Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1, Avenue De La Gare 21

General Information :

04480 - BC Number (Bank Clearing Number) is belongs to the Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag & it's located in Avenue De La Gare 21, Martigny 1 city, Valais, Vs. Postal Address is: Case Postale 192 , Zip Code: 1920. Contact Number : 027 721 11 11 , FAX : 027 721 12 11 .

Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag , Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 BC Number (Bank Clearing Number) is : 04480 , New BC Number is: 4835 & this BC Number Valid Since : 2006 - 10 - 20 , BC Number Type : Head Office (Headquarters)

The SIC Number of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag , Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : 044802 , SWIFT / BIC Code is : CRESCHZZ19B , Branch ID is : 0000 , Head Office IID is : 4835 , Postal Account Number : *12-35-2 & The Banking Group is Belongs to Credit Suisse Group.

This branch participation in SIC and in LSV+/BDD as DEB-FI1 & participation in euroSIC and in LSV+/BDD as DEB-FI1. The "Short Name" and "Bank/Institution Name" for each record are supplied in the - French Language.

Bank Operational Hours :

Breakdown of 04480 : Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1, Avenue De La Gare 21 Bank Clearing Number






Banking Group

Branch Code

The first digit (0) is banking group code & representing the belongs to Credit Suisse Group.

Last four digits is (4480) - It's an unique identifier no for the particular branch & here it's representing Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1, Avenue De La Gare 21 Branch.


The BC Number or Bank Clearing Number of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , AVENUE DE LA GARE 21 is : 04480

The SIC Number of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : 044802

The BIC/SWIFT Code of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : CRESCHZZ19B

The Branch ID of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : 0000

(The combination of the BC Number and the branch ID provides a conclusive key for each entry. Each IID has a main branch with the branch ID "0000"; branch IDs beginning with "0001" are assigned to this IID.)

The Head Office IID / BC Number of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : 4835

The BC Number Tyoe of - 04480 is : Head Office (Headquarters).

The Postal Account Number of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : *12-35-2

(An "*" in the first position points out that the listed postal account number is part of a higher-level IID (e.g. main branch).)

The Postal Address of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : CASE POSTALE 192 , ZIP Code : 1920

The Banking Group of BC Number - 04480 is : Belongs to Credit Suisse Group.

The 04480 - BC Number belongs to Avenue De La Gare 21 , CASE POSTALE 192 , ZIP Code : 1920 , Martigny 1, Valais, Vs.

The Contact Number of Credit Suisse (schweiz) Ag, Martigny 1 , Avenue De La Gare 21 is : 027 721 11 11
FAX : 027 721 12 11

Switzerland Bank Clearing (BC) Number

What is Switzerland Bank Clearing (BC) Number?

A bank clearing number, often known as a BC number, is a number used in Switzerland and Liechtenstein to identify financial organizations. The Swiss Interbank Clearing and the EuroSIC systems are linked through bank clearing numbers.

Formation OF BC Number
The number of digits in a bank clearing number ranges from three to five. A store ID is supplied in addition to the bank clearing number to properly identify a specific branch of a financial institution.

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