What is an SWIFT/BIC Code?

SWIFT codes means Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Code. The Swift/BIC code is used to identify a particular branch of a bank or financial institution & it'll help you to transfer money internationaly and executor for cross-border payments.

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Bulgaria Information

About Bulgaria

Bulgaria is part of the continent of Europe. The Capital of Bulgaria is: Sofia. Capital timezone is: Europe/Sofia. Currency is: Lev.
Language Codes of Bulgaria : bg,tr-BG
Languages speak in Bulgaria : Bulgarian (official) 76.8%, Turkish 8.2%, Roma 3.8%, other 0.7%, unspecified 10.5% (2011 est.)
ISO Alpha-2 Code of Bulgaria is : BG
ISO Alpha-3 Code of Bulgaria is : BGR
ISO 3166-1 numeric (or numeric-3) Code of Bulgaria is : 100
ISD Code of Bulgaria is : +359
FIPS (Federal Information Processing System) Code is : BU
E.164 (The international telephone numbering plan) : 359
The top label domain of the Bulgaria is : .bg
Internet host in Bulgaria is : 976277
Internet users in Bulgaria is : 3395000
Mobile phones in Bulgaria is : 10780000
Landline phone in Bulgaria is : 2253000
Area of Bulgaria is : 110910 KM2
GEO Name ID Bulgaria is : 732800
GDP of Bulgaria is : $53700000000

Currency Converter

Rate Date : 08/09/24


What is SWIFT/BIC Code?

SWIFT codes are abbreviations for the Society of Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication Code. A SWIFT code is a code that is used to identify the country, bank, and branch of an account. A SWIFT code is also known as a BIC (Bank Identifier Code), but they are the same thing.

Formation of SWIFT Code

The Swift Code is either eight or eleven digits long and a combination of letters and numbers.

  • The first four characters of the swift code are the bank code.
  • The next two digits are the country code.
  • The next two digits are the location code, and
  • The last three digits are optional and aid in identifying the specific bank branch.

Applications of SWIFT Code/BIC Code

The following are some examples of SWIFT or BIC code applications:

  • The Swift/BIC code is used to identify a specific branch of a bank or financial institution.
  • It aids in international money transfers and acts as an executor for cross-border payments.

Example: Breakdown of SWIFT/BIC Code












Bank Code

Country ISO Code

Location Code

Branch Code

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